Why is my coffee bitter? 5 Reasons Behind a Bitter Coffee

coffee cup

Why is my coffee bitter?

There is nothing better in the morning than a good cup of coffee. Yes, good though. Because the bitterness, able to awaken our senses, doesn't always turn out good. It is not pleasant to start the day with the wrong sip: sometimes your coffee has an excessively bitter aftertaste or tastes like it’s burnt. But why? What are you doing wrong? We put together 5 likely reasons behind the bitter taste of your coffee.

Check the storage of your coffee

airscape coffee container

The first thing to check immediately after spitting out the coffee you had in the cup is the storage: Is the container you use airtight? Was it closed well? Coffee absorbs the surrounding aromas, so it is important to keep it away from particularly odorous foods such as herbal teas, spices, risotto or broth preparations. Check out our airtight coffee containers that preserve your coffee perfectly.

Beware of the beans

coffee beans

You may be a true coffee lover who loves to buy coffee beans and grind them at home. So, while you are snuffing because the bad taste in your mouth won’t go away, take a look at the container. It is important that it is hermetically sealed because the beans oxidize easily and also suffer greatly from humidity. If the coffee was too bitter, however, perhaps the problem lies in the roasting: avoid brands that scorch their beans. For the perfect cup of coffee, browse through our freshly roasted coffee selection.

What water did you use?

filtered water

If the problem is not in the blend, then it could be water: limescale, for example, greatly ruins the taste of the coffee. The general rule is: make coffee with the water you would drink. So, if you filter your drinking water from the tap, also filter it to make coffee. Otherwise, use the mineral bottled water.

You’re using the wrong grind size

coffee grind chart

Grinding coffee beans changes how the flavor compounds dissolve, which means that if it’s too coarsely ground you risk under-extraction, and in turn a flat or perhaps a sour tasting coffee. But if they’re too finely ground, you risk an over-extracted, bitter coffee. Different brewing methods will require different grinds, and sometimes you need to experiment to figure out the sweet spot, but if you’re getting a bitter cup chances are your grounds are a little too finely ground.

Your equipment is dirty

coffee machine clean

Over extraction isn’t the only culprit for bitterness. Residue coffee left over from the last time you brewed can definitely affect the flavor of future cups. Make sure you keep your brewing equipment nice and clean. Check out our guide on how to descale your coffee machine to ensure your coffee tastes the way it should!

If you are eager to learn how to make the best coffee at home, you can sign up to our barista training course! With Bepe’s Coffee School, we will help you refine your coffee making skills!